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Stripe Forward


Endpoint conforming to Stripe's API contract to use their Forwarding API and create a card token.

This endpoint differs from the Create Token endpoint by conforming to Stripe's Forwarding API contract: card contains Stripe's payment method details, and metadata contains any Basis Theory specific token attributes that were specified when calling the Forwarding API.

The card object will then be transformed to the Basis Theory's card token data, so any expression used in the original request to the Forwarding API referring to card data must reference the final transformed data object as shown in the example request below. Specifically, in line 16 when referencing the card's expiration month, it is data.expiration_month and not card.exp_month.

"data": {
"number": "...",
"expiration_month": "...",
"expiration_year": "...",
"name": "..."




curl "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X "POST" \
-d '{
"card": {
"number": "4242424242424242",
"exp_month": "07",
"exp_year": "2030",
"cvc": "123",
"name": "John Doe"
"metadata": {
"mask": {
"number": "{{ data.number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"expiration_month": "{{ data.expiration_month }}",
"expiration_year": "{{ data.expiration_year }}",
"name": "{{ }}"
"containers": [ "/pci/high/" ],
"metadata": {
"nonSensitiveField": "Non-Sensitive Value"
"search_indexes": [
"{{ data.number | last4 }}"
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data.number }}",
"deduplicate_token": true,
"expires_at": "8/26/2030 7:23:57 PM -07:00"

Request Parameters

cardtrueStripe CardnullThe card details to tokenize.
metadatafalseStripe MetadatanullBasis Theory's token attributes used when creating the card token.

Stripe Card

numbertruestringnullThe card number without any separators
exp_monthfalsestringnullTwo-digit string representing the card's expiration month
exp_yearfalsestringnullFour-digit string representing the card's expiration year
cvcfalsestringnullThree or four-digit card verification code with automatic expiration
namefalsestringnullThe Cardholder Name

Stripe Metadata

idfalsestringnullA value or expression specifying the token's ID. If not specified, a UUID will be assigned.
maskfalseanyDepends on the token typeToken data mask. Can be an object, array, or any primitive type such as an integer, boolean, or string. See mask expressions.
containersfalsearrayDepends on the token typeArray of containers to place this token within. Each container is a path representing a logical grouping of tokens. See Token Containers for details.
metadatafalsemap<string, string>nullA key-value map of strings containing non-sensitive data.
search_indexesfalsearraynullArray of expressions used to generate indexes to be able to search against.
fingerprint_expressionfalsestring{{ data | stringify }}Expressions used to fingerprint your token.
deduplicate_tokenfalseboolnullWhether the token is deduplicated on creation.
expires_atfalsestringnullISO8601 compatible Token expiration DateTime. See Token Expiration for more details.
Never reveal sensitive information in the id of your token. See the documentation on Aliasing to learn more about best practices when specifying your own token ID.
Never store sensitive plaintext information in the metadata of your token.


Returns a token if the token was created. Returns an error if there were validation errors, or the token failed to create.

"id": "c06d0789-0a38-40be-b7cc-c28a718f76f1",
"tenant_id": "77cb0024-123e-41a8-8ff8-a3d5a0fa8a08",
"type": "card",
"data": {
"number": "XXXXXXXXXXXX4242",
"expiration_month": "07",
"expiration_year": "2030",
"name": "John Doe"
"mask": {
"number": "{{ data.number | reveal_last: 4 }}",
"expiration_month": "{{ data.expiration_month }}",
"expiration_year": "{{ data.expiration_year }}",
"name": "{{ }}"
"containers": ["/pci/high/"],
"metadata": {
"nonSensitiveField": "Non-Sensitive Value"
"search_indexes": ["{{ data.number | last4 }}"],
"fingerprint": "2W6iy15GJoqj5V696BnsadZVTst5fjJf24iW9Kg6hFDa",
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data.number }}",
"created_by": "fb124bba-f90d-45f0-9a59-5edca27b3b4a",
"created_at": "2020-09-15T15:53:00+00:00",
"expires_at": "2030-08-26T19:23:57-07:00"
For security reasons, the data and metadata attributes are redacted from the response when a token is deduplicated, unless the API Key has token:read permission in the targeted container. Click here to learn more about this behavior.