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3DS Mobile SDK Methods

Create Session

This method collects information from the browser on the background and sends it to the Basis Theory API, which then returns a newly created 3DS section.


let threeDSService = // Initialize threeDSService

let session = try await threeDSService.createSession(tokenId: textFieldContent)


The createSession method takes an object as parameter w/ the following attributes:

pantruestringThe Basis Theory token id for the card token to be used


The method returns a CreateThreeDsSessionResponse object with the following attributes:

idstringThe created session id
cardBrandstringThe brand for the used card (i.e. Visa)

Start Challenge

This method initiates the 3DS challenge process, if it was deemed necessary during the 3DS authentication.


let threeDSService = // Initialize threeDSService
let session = // Create 3DS Session

try await self.threeDSService.startChallenge(
sessionId: sessionId, viewController: self,
onCompleted: { result in
// process successful challenge result
onFailure: { result in
// process failed challenge result


The startChallenge method takes in the following attributes:

sessionIdstringThe 3DS session ID provided by createSession
onCompletedFunctionCallback to handle 3DS challenge completion.
onFailureFunctionCallback to handle 3DS challenge failure

Both callback functions take a ChallengeResponse object with the following properties:

public struct ChallengeResponse {
public let id: String
public let status: String // "successful" | "attempted" | "failed" | "unavailable" | "rejected"
public let details: String? // additional details depending on the status