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Create Session

This method collects information from the browser on the background and sends it to the Basis Theory API, which then returns a newly created 3DS section.


import { BasisTheory3ds } from "@basis-theory/web-threeds";

const bt3ds = BasisTheory3ds("<API_KEY>");

const session = await bt3ds.createSession({ tokenId: "<TOKEN_ID>" });


The createSession method accepts an object with the following attributes:

tokenIdfalsestringThe Basis Theory token id for the card token to be used
tokenIntentIdfalsestringThe Basis Theory token id for the card token intent to be used
skipMethodRequestfalseboolWether to skip performing a method request or not. Defaults to false
methodRequestModefalsestringThe mode to use for the method request. Accepts iframe or redirect. Defaults to iframe
challengeModefalsestringThe mode to use for performing a challenge. Accepts iframe or redirect. Defaults to iframe
The Basis Theory token id for the card token to be used

Note: Either tokenId or tokenIntentId is required.

Additional Details

Method Request

The Method Request allows the Access Control Server (ACS) to collect information directly about the customer's browser. By default, the Basis Theory web-threeds library performs a method request during session creation.

If you want to skip this step, you can set the skipMethodRequest attribute to true.

Skipping the Method Request is not recommended, as it can potentially lower 3DS approval chances.


The method request and challenge are key stages in 3D Secure (3DS) where the browser directly interacts with the cardholder's bank's Access Control Server (ACS) to complete required tasks. By default, this interaction occurs within iframes, where the ACS URLs for the method request and challenge are loaded. During a challenge, users interact directly with the iframe.

However, because ACS URLs vary depending on the cardholder's issuing bank, websites with restrictive frame-src Content Security Policies (CSPs) may encounter issues performing these tasks. For such cases, we provide an alternative redirect mode.

In redirect mode:

  • Instead of loading the ACS URLs in an iframe, a new window is opened.
  • For method requests, the window automatically closes after data collection is complete.
  • For challenges, the window closes upon successful challenge completion.

This approach ensures compatibility with restrictive CSPs while maintaining seamless operation for the end customer.


The method returns an object with the following attributes:

idstringThe created session id
cardBrandstringThe brand for the used card (i.e. Visa)

Start Challenge

This method initiates the 3DS challenge process, if it was deemed necessary during the 3DS authentication.


import { BasisTheory3ds } from "@basis-theory/web-threeds";

const bt3ds = BasisTheory3ds("<API_KEY>");

const challengeCompletion = await bt3ds.startChallenge({
acsChallengeUrl: "",
acsTransactionId: "5236966c-62be-417b-8f66-dbec6d87911d",
sessionId: "9289231e-2c0b-4f38-92fa-dec3c586d58b",
threeDSVersion: "2.2.0",


The startChallenge method takes in an object with the following attributes:

acsChallengeUrltruestringThe URL for the challenge window. Available from the Authenticate endpoint response
acsTransactionIdtruestringThe ACS transaction id. Available from the Authenticate endpoint response
sessionIdtruestringThe created 3DS session id
threeDSVersiontruestringThe 3DS message version. Available from the Authenticate endpoint response
windowSizefalsestringThe code for the pre-configured window size. See Challenge Window Sizes
timeoutfalsenumberThe time in miliseconds to wait for challenge completion before considering it timed out. Defaults to 60000ms (1 minute)
modefalsestringThe mode to use for performing a challenge. Accepts iframe or redirect. Defaults to iframe
containerIdfalsestringThe id for the HTML element where the challenge iframe window should be mounted. Applies only to iframe mode. If not provided, the SDK will create a div at the body root level, with id challengeFrameContainer


The method returns a Promise, with the following attributes, that is only resolved once the customer completed or cancelled the challenge:

idstringThe created session id

Challenge Window Sizes

WindowSize IDSize
01250px x 400px
02390px x 400px
03500px x 600px
04600px x 400px
05100% x 100%