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Google Pay™

An endpoint to decrypt and tokenize a Google Payment token. This endpoint only supports the ECv2 token versions. It supports both auth methods, PAN_ONLY and CRYPTOGRAM_3DS.

When requesting a payment token, use basistheory as the gateway and your tenant ID for gatewayMerchantId. There is no requirement to include addresses. Basis Theory does not perform address verification.

const tokenizationSpecification = {
parameters: {
'gateway': 'basistheory',
'gatewayMerchantId': '<TENANT ID>'


This process utilizes Basis Theory's Token Intents. This endpoint will decrypt a provided Google Payment token and tokenize to a Basis Theory Token Intent.

To use the API, pass the encrypted Google Payment token received from the Google API in the google_payment_method_token object in the Basis Theory request object.

Basis Theory supports the PAN_ONLY and CRYPTOGRAM_3DS authorization methods. The table below shows the resulting Token Intent type based on the Google Payment Token's authMethod attribute.

Auth MethodToken Type




curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'BT-API-KEY: <API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"google_payment_method_token": {
"protocolVersion": "ECv2",
"signature": "...",
"intermediateSigningKey": {
"signedKey": "...",
"signatures": [
"signedMessage": "..."

Request Parameters

google_payment_method_tokentrueGoogle Payment TokenThe Google Payment method token.


Returns a Token Intent if successful. Returns an error if there were validation errors, if the Google payment token failed to decrypt create, or the Token Intent failed to create.

"token_intent": {
"id": "d4cf4b73-d6c7-4270-a3dc-5854d889708b",
"type": "card",
"tenant_id": "064bbc70-204b-4ef1-a757-ec0878be5945",
"fingerprint": "3SUw6NP2JgpQAJW4tvVczznnzxnTKrBM9TVXGpPPB7Vf",
"created_by": "f0f504e5-79c2-40a6-aad3-dbee7a692828",
"created_at": "2025-01-24T15:37:52.8143798+00:00",
"expires_at": "2025-01-25T15:37:52.8143802+00:00",
"card": {
"bin": "411111",
"last4": "1111",
"expiration_month": 12,
"expiration_year": 2027,
"brand": "visa",
"funding": "debit",
"authentication": "sca_required"
"authentication": {
"threeds_cryptogram": "AAAAAAA....",
"eci_indicator": "02"
"_extras": {
"tsp_details": {
"tsp": "Google",
"auth_method": "PAN_ONLY",
"message_id": "AH2EjtdkuuxxO3nA7RuWAo0fU4u5BPoySvd9ajlSSrTWy3yTCu2IRbRwp8K3sFjSUS-ELa7UzetwY6UFsNLISYiKY6arNIOfYxutYYH3LJdIH0UcmoRDzmM",
"eci_indicator": "",
"assurance_details": {
"account_verified": true,
"card_holder_authenticated": false

Token Intents and the resulting tokens created from a Google payment token will contain a tsp_details object in the _extras attribute.

The attributes in the _extras object are NOT addressable in proxies or reactors.

_extrasObjectParent object containing additional details.
tsp_detailsObjectDetails related to the transaction service provider (TSP).
tspStringThe name of the transaction service provider.
auth_methodStringThe authentication method used.
message_idStringUnique identifier for the message.
eci_indicatorStringElectronic Commerce Indicator (may be empty).
assurance_detailsObjectInformation about the assurance of the transaction.
account_verifiedBooleanIndicates if the account was verified.
card_holder_authenticatedBooleanIndicates if the cardholder was authenticated.


Testing with a Google Pay token

This endpoint can be used with both TEST and PRODUCTION Google Pay payment data. To use Google Pay TEST payment data, set the TEST environment when generating the Google Pay payment data and use a Basis Theory Application under a TEST Tenant for making your /connections/google-pay/tokenize request. PROD Tenants will only work with PRODUCTION Google Pay payment data.

Testing without a Google Pay token

Basis Theory provides a mechanism to create fake Token Intents using this endpoint. Changing the protocolVersion to BasisTheory will instead process a fake Google payment token in a different manner.

To create a card Token Intent, set the signature to card. The signedMessage should contain number, expiration_month, and expiration_year.

Fake card token
"google_payment_method_token": {
"protocolVersion": "BasisTheory",
"signature": "card",
"intermediateSigningKey": {
"signedKey": "fake",
"signatures": [
"signedMessage": "{\"number\": 4242424242424242, \"expiration_month\": 4, \"expiration_year\": 2025 }"

To create a network_token, set the signature to network_token. In addition to the attributes defined for the fake card token, include cryptogram and eci_indicator. The value of these attributes will be persisted in the authentication object of the Token Intent.

Fake network_token
"google_payment_method_token": {
"protocolVersion": "BasisTheory",
"signature": "network_token",
"intermediateSigningKey": {
"signedKey": "fake",
"signatures": [
"signedMessage": "{\"number\": 4242424242424242, \"expiration_month\": 12, \"expiration_year\": 2025, \"cryptogram\": \"AAAAA....\", \"eci_indicator\": \"01\"}"

Additional Resources

For additional information on using Google Pay™, view the documentation provided by Google.